Keys To Success [成功への鍵(1)~(7)]
Do you wish to get the most out of your Zemi experience?
Those are the seven keys to your success.
Keys To Success: 成功への鍵(1)
反応や感情を認識し、表現する。 自分が話しているとき、または他の人が話しているときに、自分が感じていることに注意を払う。自分の考えや感情を認識して表現することが難しい場合は、グループに助けを求めてください。
Recognize and express reactions and feelings. Pay close attention to what you are feeling as you are sharing or others are sharing. If you are having difficulties recognizing and expressing your thoughts or feelings, ask the group to help.
Keys To Success: 成功への鍵[2)
Avoid giving advice. Sometimes we really want to offer advice to someone who is struggling, but often when we do, we fail to let that person feel heard. Most group members learn that giving advice, suggestions, and solutions is not very helpful. Instead of advice, let's communicate understanding, give support, and listen attentively.
Keys To Success: 成功への鍵(3)
Take risks. Experiment with different ways of behaving and expressing yourself. By taking risks, you can discover what works for you and what doesn’t. This may mean expressing difficult feelings, sharing information you usually keep secret, or confronting someone about something upsetting to you.
Keys To Success: 成功への鍵(4)
Ask questions. If you are wondering about or confused about something that has just been said or has just occurred in the group, ask other group members. It’s likely others may have the same questions that you have.
Keys To Success: 成功への鍵(5)
Become aware of distancing behaviors. All of us have ways of behaving which prevent others from getting close to us. Some of these are remaining silent and uninvolved, telling long involved stories, responding to others with intellectual statements, asking content questions, making indirect comments, or talking only about external events. Becoming aware of these patterns is the first step to changing them.
Keys To Success: 成功への鍵(6)
Remember that how people talk is as important as what they say. Pay attention to the non-verbal behaviors in the group – yours and those of other members. Talk about what you notice.
Keys To Success: 成功への鍵(7)
Focus on the relationships you have with the group, other group members and the leader. Put a priority on noticing what is happening inside the group. What is going on that makes you feel closer or more distant towards others? Try and explore with the group what you notice.