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In general, I accept between 6-11 participants each year. Most common numbers are 8 or 9.



Application has four steps as shown.


For those who wish to join Xander Zemi, please read the steps carefully and click on the link below to start the application process. 


以下のボタンより[STEP 1]の応募書類をオンラインにて提出してください。

Past Year Data 

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NA = Non-Applicable (該当なし)
TBD=To be determined(未決定)


 STEP 1  

Written Application / 書面による応募 

Students interested in joining Xander Zemi will complete a written application.

In this application, there will be questions related to

  • English ability level (e.g., GPA and TOEIC scores)

  • Skills necessary to be successful in the zemi (e.g., courage, flexibility, honesty, commitment, etc.)

Each question has an objective score based on objective criteria.

As I receive applications, I score them, and if the score is above the cutoff, I email the student to offer an individual interview.


ザンダー・ゼミへの参加を希望する生徒は、すぐ横のサイドバーにある「Apply / 応募する」ボタンを押して、回答してください。この応募書類では、以下のことについて質問します。

  • 英語力に関する質問(GPAやTOEICのスコアなど)

  • ゼミで成功するために必要なスキルに関する質問(勇気、柔軟性、誠実さ、コミットメントなど)



*Please be aware that the application takes about 50-70 minutes to complete and can only be submitted once.


 STEP 2  

Individual Interview / 個別面接 

During the individual interview, I assess the student's ability and willingness to participate in the group. The best thing to do in the interview is try to communicate as best you can without worrying about mistakes.

Please try to ask me questions, and tell me when you are confused or need help with something I said. Open, honest, and courageous communication is what I am looking for.


The day after the individual interview, I will either invite you to the group interview, or ask you to consider a different zemi.







 STEP 3  

Group Interview / グループ面接 

The group interview is not so important for my evaluation as it is for your evaluation.


It will give you a chance to meet your potential classmates and practice what it would be like to be in a process group. Please think of it as a mock class.


Ask yourself: do I want to do these types of activities and engage in these types of discussions for a year and a half?


After the group interview, I will email each participant (separately) and either encourage you to place my name as your top choice or encourage you to place another teacher's name as your top choice. If I ask you to place me as your top choice, please feel assured that you have a place in my zemi, if you choose.







 STEP 4  

Zemi Selection / ゼミ選択 

You will rank each teacher's name in the order of whose zemi you would like to be in.


I only accept students who rank me as their top choice or second choice (upon discussion with first choice teacher).


I will not consider accepting a student who has not interviewed with me. The results will be announced during the study abroad class according to the schedule. Until the results are officially announced, I will not make any indication about the results.






Good Work Starts

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